Serving the Church
(Our Family)
Serving at Redeemer
Children’s Ministry
Our vision is to help parents in the spiritual nurture of their children by seeing children GROW as disciples and GO make disciples.
We seek to do this through children’s ministry in three ways: KNOW JESUS, FOLLOW JESUS, AND SHARE JESUS.
All of our ministry to children depends on many volunteer hands. There are lots of opportunities to work directly with the children, but there is also work to be done behind the scenes, so if “kids aren’t your thing” we can still find a place for you. All volunteers will go through a screening process and will need to complete a background check. There are various opportunities for training throughout the year depending on what area you are working with. Please note: Applicants may be asked to submit references.
Student Ministry
At Redeemer, we believe God has called us to help each other know and follow Jesus in all areas of life. Our Student Ministry is an extension of that. Our goal is to come alongside parents in providing 7th-12th graders a variety of ways to discover who God is and grow closer to him through various avenues of ministry: Large group meetings, Sunday school classes, small groups, as well as service and social events.
If interested in serving in Student Ministry, please complete the “Get Connected” Survey below or contact Toney-Paite Phillips, our Student Ministry Assistant here: toneypaite@redeemerpca.net.
Throughout the year, Redeemer has several events: VBS, Camps, Retreats, Dinners, Bible studies, Get togethers, and the list goes on. For some of these events, volunteers are needed to get things up and running and going smoothly. Our Upcoming Events page or the Calendar is the best way to keep up with what is next on the schedule. If you’d like to learn more about volunteering, please complete our “Get Connected” Survey below.
Serving Roles
The body of believers is made up of all different people and nations, each one gifted specifically by God to serve and glorify Him. At Redeemer, we have several opportunities for our members to serve. Here are some of the areas of service:
Administrative & General Help
Children's Ministry
Men's Ministry
Student Ministries
Women's Ministry
Worship Support Team
If you are interested in serving and want to get connected, please take our “Get Connected” survey.