Adult Bible Studies

Men’s Bible Studies

Friday Men’s Bible Study (weekly)

Join us on Friday mornings at 7 a.m. at Redeemer or on Zoom for a Men's Bible Study. Questions? Contact Bert Dreifuss at 919-880-6218 or

Wednesday Men’s Bible Study (weekly).

Beginning September 11

Join us on Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. for a Men’s Bible Study.
Location: At Redeemer in Room B011 and B010.
For more details, contact Mike Newkirk here: email.

Monday Men’s Bible Study (weekly)

Join us on Mondays at 7:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. for a Men’s Bible Study.
Location: At Redeemer in the downstairs conference room.
For more details, contact John Whitesides at or (919) 697-6408.

Please note: Our Men’s Bible studies are meeting virtually as well as in person. To learn how to get connected to one of these groups, please contact the office.

To learn more about Men’s Ministry at Redeemer, follow the button below.

Please note: Sometimes these studies take a break for a holiday or other events. Be sure to check the calendar to confirm if the Bible study is meeting for the week.

Women’s Bible Study

This fall we will study the Book of Philippians, using Melissa Kruger's book, In All Things. 

The study will begin the week of September 16 and end the week of November 20. 
Monday Evenings at 7 p.m. (Virtual & In-person): Beginning September 16
Wednesday Mornings at 9:30 a.m. (In-person, childcare available with registration):
Beginning September 18

*All in-person groups meet at Redeemer.

To sign-up, click here.

Sign-up and purchase a book using this form or at the display table in the church foyer.

Questions? Please contact the office at

To learn more about Women’s Ministry at Redeemer, follow the button below.